Are you an Alaska LGBT person aged 50 or over? Let your voice be heard.

You may not consider yourself an “older Alaskan” but if you are 50+, the Alaska Commission on Aging is looking for your advice. Make sure our queer seniors are noticed, do the survey!

The Alaska Commission on Aging is conducting a survey of Alaskans age 50 and older in development of the next state plan for senior services, which will cover 2012–2015. The anonymous survey includes questions about overall concerns, including financial security and health care. The survey also asks about satisfaction with senior services.

Older Alaskans may complete the survey online by visiting the Alaska Commission on Aging’s website, and clicking on the survey link at the top of the home page. Those without access to a computer may find paper copies of the survey at their senior center, meal program, or other senior services program. Responses will help the Commission to plan services for seniors and to advocate for programs, policies, and laws that benefit seniors.

There are no questions on the survey related to specifically LGBT concerns, but there is a comment area if there are specific concerns (whether LGBT or anything else) that you face as an older Alaskan.

The survey is open until October 15.

h/t Grrlzlist

About Mel Green

Melissa S. (Mel) Green was the principal writer of One in Ten: A Profile of Alaska’s Lesbian & Gay Community (Anchorage, AK: Identity, Inc., 1986) and coauthor with Jay K. Brause of Identity Reports: Sexual Orientation Bias in Alaska (Identity, Inc., 1989). She also blogged extensively about the 2009 Anchorage equal rights ordinance on her personal & writing website, for which she was recognized by a True Diversity Award for Excellence in Online Media in September 2009. She administers the Alaska LGBT Community Survey website.
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